WMC Mega Event in Fushan, China

Last month saw a WMC super event in Fushan, China the birthplace of none other than the legend himself, Bruce Lee!!  The event feature the world’s best convening for a superb night of combat.

60kg: Jomthong VS Li Ten (Doha Asian games Sanda champion)
WMC Champion Jomthong was in superb form stopping his opponent with a series of knees in round three.

63kg: Nong Toom VS Yujie Miao (2010 National Championship Sanda champion)
Beautiful boxer Nong Toom and Yujie treated the 5,000 strong crowd at the stadium to a great display of female Muaythai. China won with a close decision.

68kg: Big Ben VS Haiton JI (2010 preliminary contest for Asian games Sanda champion)
WMC champion Big Ben out on a fantastic flurry in the fight of the night against hi opponent with non-stop action. China took the win by close decision.

75kg: John Wayne Parr VS Kaiyin Zhang (Silver medal Sanda World Cup, winner by Ko Lamsongkram in 2009 Chinese-Sanda Vs Muaythai Competition)
Another sensational fight both going toe to toe.  JWP lost by a close decision.

80kg: Simon Marcus vs Hanghang Guo
Simon Marcus, SportAccord Combat Games champion showed world class skills stopping the  Chinese fighter in first round with a stunning kaoloy flying knee!

A great night watched by over 100 million Chinese viewers on national TV! The event will also be aired on ESPN and Fox Sport, so don’t miss it!

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