ASEAN Muaythai University Games a Big Success

Muaythai is once again proud to be part of the ASEAN University Games together with many sports such as fencing, sport climbing, tennis, badminton, volleyball, archery, athletics, swimming, Karate, Judo, and the list goes on.
The event which runs from the 26th of July to the 6th of August saw the best university students coming together in excellence in mind and body.

The Director General of IFMA, Charissa Tynan stated that this event is very important for Asia building up for the FISU University World Cup Combat Sports in which muaythai is one of the 6 sports next to boxing karate, sambo, wrestling and wushu in this unique event held from the 21st to the 30th of September in Turkey.
Good luck to all the athletes competing in the ASEAN Championships, IFMA is a proud member of the FISU family.