Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Muaythai Seminar in Argentina

February 23rd, 2012

  Miguel Carpinacci, Presisdent of IFMA Member federation The Argentian Muaythai Federation will head a muaythai seminar in the beautiful city of Dean Funes, in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. The seminar will consist of 4 hours for the development of techniques, tactics and strategy of Muaythai, for both beginners and advanced students. Muaythai continues to develop and grow steadily across the country where the sport is becoming more and more popular.

Slovenian Muaythai League

February 20th, 2012

The Slovenian Muaythai league is an event operating under the Slovenian Muay Thai Federation, IFMA and WMC. This is mostly an amateur event with some professional fights in the mix. In its 3rd season the league will see the participation of some 18 gyms from 8 countries. It is the strongest muaythai competition in South-eastern Europe with gyms from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Czech rep., Slovakia, Germany, Poland, Italy, Holland. The league has seen a successful 2 ...

WMC DOMINATION 8 in Australia

February 8th, 2012

March 3rd will see another WMC mega event in Perth Australia. Headlining the event will be a super fight with home boy Toby Smith taking on Thailand superstar Nonsai. Stay tuned for results and event report!!

Interclub Open Tournament in Spain

February 23rd, 2012

  March 3rd will see Spain's Interclub Open Tournament in Tarragona, organised under the sanctioning of IFMA Member federation Federacion Española Muaythai Krabi Krabong. The event will serve as the selection of athletes to represent Spain at the upcoming IFMA World Championships in St. Petersburg, Russia from 3-13 September 2012.

Danish Championships 2012

February 20th, 2012

After a successful Danish championship last year with a large boom in fights, the Danish Championship will for the first time be held over 2 days.   The finals will be on Saturday the 3th of March 2012 at Østerbrohuset, Århusgade 103, 2100 København Ø. The event will start at 15:00 with a small opening ceremony to be followed by 19 fights.   The Danish Championships is organised by IFMA member NF the Danish Muaythai Federation under the Presidency of ...


February 16th, 2012

Journey Fight Series starts off 2012 with a great card for a great cause! Calgary’s biggest and best Muay Thai promotion returns to the Century Casino with another evening of action packed match ups! Organised by the CMTC-A, IFMA and WMC member federartion, the Journey Fight Series V will feature Jessica Gladstone from Team Smandych taking on Tiger Team's Celeste Saenz (Tijuana, Mexico) in 5 rounds of Full Muay Thai action for a Professional Muay Thai ...

Knees of Fury 36 Hits Adelaide

February 8th, 2012

The 36th edition of Adeliade’s long time super WMC promotion Knees of Fury will hit Adeliade on the 25th of February at Etsa Park. This mega show will see a double main event featuring 2 super bouts, one with 5 time WMC World Champion Paul “The Sting” Slowinksi” and the other with 8 time WMC World Champion John Wayne Parr!!! Some of the biggest names to fight out of the WMC  will most definitely make for an ...

Amatuer Muaythai Gala Tournament in Luxembourg

February 10th, 2012

The M.T.F.L. Muay Thai Federatiion Letzebuerg Asbl, IFMA's member NF in Luxembourg will be organising a small gala to give their fighters a chance to gain valuable ring and competition experience. The event is aimed at promoting amateur muaythai and to raise the level of competition locally.  

WMC Best of the Best in Spain

January 26th, 2012

On February 18th WMC promotor Francisco  Villalba manger of Club Hanuman will organise this professional tournament. The event which will be hald in the city of  Córdoba will establish the 4 best fighters in Spain in the 63.5 KG division. The gala is sponsored by several local companies of the city of Córdoba and will be organised with the collaboration of the area of sports of Córdoba IMD. For more information, check out:

Professional & Amateur Gala Event in Lecce, South Italy

February 10th, 2012

  12th of February will see an event in the city of Lecce in South Italy which will feature both Professional and Amateur bouts.

Polish Muaythai League

February 16th, 2012

Organised by long time IFMA/WMC member federation the Polish Muaythai Federation, the Polish Muaythi League kicked off on Saturday 11th of February. The league will see the best of the bets in Poland competing for ultimate supremacy.


January 9th, 2012

Saturday January 28th, 2012 Doors Open 5:30 PM / Fights Start 7:00 PM Calgary, Canada / Century Casino - 1010- 42nd Ave. SE TEAM CANADA takes on TEAM THAILAND in the first classic International MuayThai event in Calgary in 2012. This is an event they will be talking about for a long time. Team Canada consisting of Jesse Miles (WMC Sanctioned Challenger TV series, WMC Kings Birthday MuayThai Event alumni, Professional World Champion), Hakeem Dawodu (3 time World Champion, Last ...

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