King’s Cup Winner Ordains as a Monk
Pascal Schroth, the 2016 King’s Cup winner has just ordained as a monk in what he described as a life changing moment. Also know as ‘the German’ due to his country of origin Pascal has had the most challenging year of his life to date following an injury due to an illegal throw in China where his neck was broken. The doctor’s said he was lucky to be alive with the injury preventing him from training for a number of months, a challenge he found very difficult.

On arrival of the temple the nak must circle the ordination hall clockwise three times whilst the family walk in procession. Each family member must carry a requisite of the monk-to-be and are led into the ordination hall to witness an assembly of monks examine the suitability of the candidate hoping to be accepted by the Sangha.
Most Thais from 20 upwards are expected to to ordain as a monk for a period of time at some point within their life as the belief is that it is a way to gain merit not just for the monk-to-be but also for his parents. Ordination is also practised as a way to show gratitude to them as is evidenced by an idiom (ko chai pha lueang khuen sawan) meaning “clinging to the edge of the yellow robe to heaven”.
Pascal stated that I’m back now, but it takes a few days to realize and process all the impressions and events. Piece by piece, I will share my experience, as a white monk in Thailand with you. I am incredibly grateful for this experience and have learned a lot about it and I am ready to apply it for my further life.