Millad Farzad wins Intercontinental title, Ricardo titled with West Australian champion

Millad Farzad, Australia’s young superstar defeated Cherngrob Pumpanmuang, famous Muaythai MAX Champion fighter, to claim the WMC Intercontinental title. It has been a close and exciting match where Millad showed some eccentric display skills to claim this title. This bout promised to be something that IGNITION Muaythai fans would be on the edge of their seats from round one till the winner was announced and it did not disappoint a single spectator. Millad Farzad is quickly becoming one of the best fighters in the world gaining ever more followers around the world.

Millad Farzad with WMC belt


To support the main event there was a super local matchup between Ricardo Pisaneschi from the famous Kao Sok camp, the home of WMC World Champion Danial “Mini T” Williams, and Local Champions Gym Hero Chris Watt for the WMC West Australian State title belt. These two fighters fought a great battle for the WMC title and it came down to a close decision with Ricardo taking the title belt.

Ricardo Pisaneschi with WMC West Australian state

In another great supporting bout to these two main title matchups was the Super rematch between Jordan “Wolf” Godtfredson from the Kao Sok camp and Jackson “The Handsome Hero” Moorehouse from Olsens Muaythai Factory. These boys fought a tough fight until Jordan took the win by KO in the 4th round.


Jordan kick  Ricardo


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