MAP Stamps the Virtual Grid with Muaythai Virtual Competition in Celebration of the Philippines Sports Commission Women’s Martial Arts Festival
The Philippines Olympic Committee, the Philippines Sports Commission and the National Muaythai Association of the Philippines promoted the first ever Female Martial Arts Festival.
Over 300 participants have already signed up for this important event in which the winners will join their male counterparts to build the Philippines national team participating in the upcoming IFMA World Virtual Championships.
Philippines Olympic Committee Member and IFMA Executive Board Member Pearl Managuelod stated, “To continue to promote physical and mental wellbeing has been a priority during these challenging times and the IFMA Virtual World Championship is a fantastic opportunity to promote sporting and cultural exchange for the athletes to stay fit and at the same time educate themselves by practicing the Wai Kru and Mae Mai Muaythai.”
The winners of the IFMA World Championships then have the chance to compete on a world level at the Untied Through Sports World Virtual Youth Festival in which over 100 organizations will work together.
Mabuhay from the Philippines!
We will see you soon on the virtual and hopefully very soon on the physical field of play.