Road to MTGP, Heroes

There has been a lot of buzz around MTGP/KGP Angels the last days, for a good reason. But in every great saga, the greatest battles has been played out when the Masculine and Feminine join forces. And “Road to MTGP – season 2” is no different.
Let us present you – “MTGP/KGP Heroes”! This is a pro-amataur fight series that gives up and coming fighters the opportunity to earn a spot in the main promotion of MTGP/KGP in Greece later this year. In the first season of Road to MTGP, Petros Saho, won the WMC 4 men tournament and proved he was ready for the big scene. A few months later, he stepped into the ring at Enastron, fighting on the card of MTGP 26 in Athens.
The Heroes of MTGP, are ready to put on a show! You can expect firecrackers from the men, showing of great skills alongside brave hearts as the Heroes collide in battle on their quest for honor and glory on the adrenaline fueled night of February the 23´rd!