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Japan Muaythai from Strong to Stronger

August 16th, 2023

The All Japanese Muaythai Federation, the IFMA Member in Japan, once again, displayed why Japan is one of the leading IFMA members.Rajadamnern Stadium, which is in partnership with IFMA, had an incredible fight night with Japanese fighters Nadaka and Kaito. Kaito went up against Thai superstar Petchsongpon from Thailand and after performing a beautiful Wai Kru and unleashing a kamehameha to the delight of the fans, it went down to business in an exciting match with ...

Back to the Roots

August 9th, 2023

Three of Thailand's leading promoters are joining forces for the Rajadamnern Super Show which will see ten incredible matches held. Each bout will be five rounds of world-class muaythai with the event being put together to promote traditional muaythai and showcase the importance of the rules, Wai Khru, and the Pi Muay band. Many former muaythai superstars will be there at the event and some of them will also be qualifying for the upcoming super league. Congratulations to the organisers and good luck to ...


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